Writing skills
Minimum content
Preparation of tables, charts diagrams,
etc. to demonstrate reading comprehension
and hearing.
Writing paragraphs of three or four
sentences, grammatically correct
communicatively appropriate, for example,
requesting or providing information,
expressing opinions or points of
hearing in response to written texts, oral
and visual.
etc. to demonstrate reading comprehension
and hearing.
Writing paragraphs of three or four
sentences, grammatically correct
communicatively appropriate, for example,
requesting or providing information,
expressing opinions or points of
hearing in response to written texts, oral
and visual.
Annual expected learning
Produce coherent short texts of no more than 6 sentences in response
tracking tasks, reporting and synthesis of information.
Complete form letters and advertisements, writing messages
e-mail, and / or faxes, preferably using computer tools.
tracking tasks, reporting and synthesis of information.
Complete form letters and advertisements, writing messages
e-mail, and / or faxes, preferably using computer tools.
Course: 3rd medio
Unit: Marketing
Defends their own point of view about a theme
1-students are going to write a persuasive essay.
2-they have to write a short essay with their own words about a topic and they must take a position of the theme (1 sheet of paper)
3-justifying their stand or point of view about the theme
4-they could form a new opinion and construct a research-based persuasive message to convince others of the validity of the position chosen.
(Warm up)
1-The teacher begin the lesson with this statement: "Raise your hand if you usually win an argument, any argument with your siblings, parents, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, and so on." Ask those who raised their hands: "Why do you think you win? What do you do or what techniques do you use to win your arguments?" Generate a brief discussion.
2- Explain in the whiteboard the definition of "persuade"
"Text that is designed to move or sway the reader/listener through the use of argument and/or entreaty, whether to change the reader's opinion or to rally support for a cause or belief"
3-Show them the parts of an essay in a transparency on an overhead. Ask students to help review the structural parts of the five-paragraph essay by calling out the individual parts.
1- Make groups of 5 students (40)
2- Each group choose in random one of the following topics:
Recycling (pro)
Euthanasia (against)
Smoking (against)
Junk food in schools (pro)
Animal testing (against)
Rascism (against)
Vegetarianism (pro)
Organ donation (pro)
4- Each group have to create a logo (with a quote) and show to the class explaining why are they in favor or against in front of the class.
5- 5 minutes to the presentation
6-generate a brief discussion of the themes (to develop their own opinions)
In my opinion …
Personally I think …
I believe that…
What I mean is …
I agree
I disagree
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